
POPUP Shop in Nagasaki International University

From July 16th to 18th, we conducted the sale of coffee and tea to support Malawi, alongside students from Nagasaki International University. Prompted by Professor Brendan Vandusen of the Department of Human and Social Studies, International Tourism, we organized a seminar with seminar students to learn about the supporting country, researched marketing strategies, and practiced sales within the university.

For more details on the seminar, please visit here.

First Public Collaboration with a University in Kyushu

Through such initiatives, bonds between the NPO Seibo and universities deepened, marking the first attempt by a Kyushu university at a concrete example of international support. Moving forward, we plan to develop learning tools and continue our efforts in collaboration with students and Professor Brendan.

For more on the collaboration between Seibo and universities, see here.

Interview with Mainichi Shimbun

On July 16, 2024, Mainichi Shimbun interviewed Professor Brendan Vandusen of Nagasaki International University and Mr. Yamada, representative of the NPO Seibo, highlighting practical academic initiatives at the university. Many were introduced to Malawi for the first time, and the unique initiative from Nagasaki to support school meals for children there gained attention.

You can view the article online here.

Achievements of This Support
Through this activity, donations were gathered equivalent to providing school meals for approximately 55 students in Malawi for one year! Thank you very much for your support!