Hiroo Junior High School, located in Shibuya Ward, has partnered with the local basketball team, Sunrockers Shibuya, and the general incorporated association Shibuya Font to implement project-based learning.
Project Overview
Hiroo Junior High School is conducting a project aimed at allowing students to engage with the community through their classes and participate in social welfare activities. As part of this initiative, coffee drip packs are sold, with a portion of the proceeds used to support children in Malawi and contribute to the local community. This enables students to enhance their business skills and communication abilities while benefiting society.
A Bridge Between Education and Community
This initiative offers diverse learning opportunities that promote students’ growth as part of an education that goes beyond conventional schooling. It has become a creative endeavor that combines knowledge of local people with a deeper understanding of various fields such as sports, social welfare, and international support. Such initiatives are achievable even by junior high students and are expected to be significant and encouraged in schools going forward. This approach, rooted locally while extending globally, demonstrates practical international support.
Objectives and Future Prospects
By uniting the local community in Shibuya, schools, professional sports teams, social welfare organizations, and international support NGOs, the project aims for sustainable social contribution. It is hoped that such efforts will continue to help more people contribute to their communities and build a future of mutual growth.