
Workshop about Charity& Philanthropy

We held the event “Charity and Philanthropy” on June 27, 2024, at Sophia University’s Global Concern Institute. The workshop included students alongside professionals from corporate and academic sectors, discussing how charity, the ethical and emotional drive to do good purely for the sake of it, can take root and develop within economic activities. Participants included individuals from various ages and sectors such as corporate, academic, and student communities.

On the other hand, Philanthropy refers to strategic social contributions such as SDGs, CSR, PR activities for shareholders, and giving back to those involved in the supply chain. Focusing solely on this aspect could lead to SDGsWash and undermine the genuine concept, affecting both companies and NGOs.

The event elicited diverse impressions from participants across different sectors. Below, we share some of their thoughts:

【First-year high school girl】
When I saw the theme of “Charity and Philanthropy” this time, I didn’t even know the difference between these two words. However, through this workshop, I learned that charity stems from the desire to help people, it involves short-term activities, whereas philanthropy is systematic and involves long-term efforts.

What left the biggest impression on me this time was the discussion that Japanese people don’t have a very positive image of charity.

So far, I’ve only been involved in charity activities within school, so I haven’t encountered this barrier yet. However, observing the movement of society as a whole, I feel that there are many people who resist doing good for others. In the future, I think this issue could become the biggest obstacle when engaging in charity activities.

At this workshop, when Mr. Yamada said “Charity begins at Home,” I thought this phrase could lead to solving this problem.
From now on, I want to actively encourage those around me to take an interest in charity.

[High School Senior, Male]:
I hadn’t heard the term “Philanthropy” much in daily life, but I learned it generally refers to strategically conducting activities for society as a whole, contrasting with “Charity,” which often involves helping individuals in need out of emotional impulses. Through group work, I realized that what is considered “good for society” can range from broad issues like health and environmental concerns to specific volunteer activities targeted at individuals. Each of us may have different methods and goals in our actions towards society, but there are many opportunities to engage in such activities, and I want to continue learning through them.

[University Student, Female]:
The workshop on Charity and Philanthropy prompted me to rethink my role in societal contributions deeply. Through past volunteer activities, I’ve sometimes felt powerless, providing only temporary charity without addressing underlying issues. However, the workshop revealed that many participants share similar dilemmas. I now understand that approaches to societal contributions vary among individuals, and transitioning from Charity to Philanthropy could be a natural progression as I continue my charitable efforts. It was a valuable workshop, especially during a period when I’m considering my future path, offering me numerous insights to take back with me.

[Working Professional, Female]:
The workshop provided a platform to deepen my own and others’ perspectives and share ideas openly. In my line of work, workshops are frequent, but they often revolve around business-related matters. This time, however, interacting with students and fellow professionals allowed me to truly listen to each person’s viewpoint, enhancing my own understanding. In today’s VUCA era, rather than debating opinions or blindly following others, I realized the importance of listening to diverse perspectives, reflecting on them, and considering how they apply to my own thoughts and actions. It reminded me of the importance of genuinely listening to others, a mindset I wish to apply in my personal life as well.

Thank you all for participating in this event!