
Hibarigaoka Gakuen Junior High and High School-Social Business Lecture

On May 30, 2024, to all the students of Hibarigaoka Gakuen Middle and High School in Takarazuka City, Hyogo Prefecture, we conducted the first session of a class titled “Feeing the Future Project.” This class is aimed at learning about social businesses that contribute to school meal support in Malawi!

Our teacher said, “It’s like you’re entering a company!” as we embarked on connecting the mechanisms of our nonprofit organization called Seibo’s mission with creating our own economy through a simulated company that we’ll build ourselves.

From now on, all of you at Hibarigaoka Gakuen Middle and High School will evolve this project with us, growing the “companies” (group work) each of you has created.

It was a great honor to be able to meet face-to-face with you all for this exciting first session!

During this inaugural class, we also took many opportunities to learn about Malawi, which will be the focus of our support activities in the future. For instance, we practiced greetings in the local Chewa language, saying “ZICOMO!” (Thank you!), and used these expressions to facilitate interaction and teamwork through icebreakers.

Each team will simulate the organization of a company and function as a “microcosm” where the school operates as professionals in society.

We look forward to wholeheartedly supporting your activities going forward.