At Chiba Keizai University, I have had the opportunity since April 2024 to participate in an economics seminar, where I studied the coffee supply chain, the factors influencing its pricing, and the underlying economic principles. Additionally, I gained practical experience in applying this knowledge within the context of social business.
As a result, we organized a project to put this learning into practice by collaborating with students to sell coffee produced in Malawi at the university festival.
For more details about the seminar activities, please refer to this link.
I was deeply impressed by how the students worked together as a team, cooperating and supporting one another throughout the activities. Through this seminar and the coffee sales initiative, I hope it provided an opportunity to reflect on the people and economy surrounding a single product like coffee, the pricing dynamics in Japan, and its consumption.
Moving forward, I aim to continue creating opportunities in Chiba Prefecture to learn about and practice fair trade, ethical consumption, and social business.
Thank you for your continued support!