
Activity Report for May 2024

In May 2024, thanks to everyone’s support, we have been able to continue providing school meal assistance! Below, we would like to introduce the current situation at various schools through photos.

Kazomba Elementary School

Since the start of the school meal project at Kazomba Elementary School, we have been providing meals to over 800 children with a high continuation rate. The principal happily remarks, “Most children cannot have enough food at home. Thanks to the school meals, children can eat at school, concentrate on their lessons, and study well.”

Kaphuta Elementary School

Previously, Kaphuta Elementary School recorded a high dropout rate due to decreased interest in education among many children, especially girls. However, since the introduction of the school meal program, all children are motivated to attend school daily and graduate.

Mzimba LEA

A female volunteer in charge of cooking says proudly, “This program is for our children, and it’s our responsibility to ensure they get the best nutrition and motivation from meals.”

Machelecheta Elementary School

Seibo’s school meal program also promotes social interaction between the community and children. Previously, there was little connection between children and parents, but now, spending time together during meal breaks has helped them share stories comfortably, and children can now consult their parents about their concerns.

Chamngulube Elementary School

“It brings me happiness to serve delicious meals to the children. The school meals not only boost their motivation in school but also promote their health. They are growing with energy,” says a female volunteer.

St. Paul’s Elementary School

Children actively participate in classes fueled by the energy they gain from the school meals.

Challenges Faced by Elementary Schools

Due to insufficient road infrastructure, we cannot transport meal ingredients to Chabere and Kanyerere Elementary Schools using our own vehicles. Therefore, we need to rent vehicles monthly to deliver the meals.