
Toyohashi Chuo High School Coffee Sales

On Sunday, August 4th, we participated in the “Kyodo no Meihin SHOW Discovering the Charm of Tokainaka” event held at Machinaka Square in Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, along with Toyohashi Chuo High School. This was Seibo’s first time participating in an event in Toyohashi City.

Toyohashi Chuo High School : Future Exploring Project

At Toyohashi Chuo High School, we have been in charge of future exploration classes this year, where students learned about Malawi and NPOs. In addition to the recent event, we are also planning sales at the school festival, providing an opportunity for students to put into practice what they have learned through these sales activities.

“Exploring the Future: Considering the Future of Malawi and Africa”
In this project, there is a focus on supporting Malawi, where the population of children is increasing, as a way of thinking about the future. To this end, students are selling local coffee and tea from Malawi. This consideration of future generations is also seen as a way to foster awareness of sustainable futures, ethical products, and cultural practices related to goods.

Additionally, the project places emphasis on interaction with local communities. Participating in events is part of this initiative, where collaboration with the people of Toyohashi City, Aichi Prefecture, is valued as a way of considering the future of the local area. In the future exploration course at Toyohashi Chuo High School, in collaboration with the NPO Seibo, the goal is to deepen the connection between thinking about a global future and a local future, and to explore ways to address local issues and promote through product collaborations.

At the Event

The second-year students who learned through future exploration program sold WarmHeartsCoffeeClub’s donation-based coffee. As preparation, they created posters explaining Malawi, videos introducing the poverty situation, aiming to help people understand even a little bit. On the day, they actively promoted sales by approaching passersby, offering coffee samples, and encouraging sales. Some enthusiastic students even used a microphone to talk about the attractiveness of the product firsthand! We are truly grateful for everyone’s support!