
せいぼ活動報告 11.2020

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tel : 090-3426-0734
Seibo Activity Report: November 2020

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Dear Seibo Supporters,

Choices made today have a lifelong impact. Malawi was vulnerable before the pandemic. Many people were already struggling to make ends meet. The situation has worsened with some families now only eating once a day, or worse.

The biggest victims of the pandemic in Malawi will be children. Largely spared from the direct health effects of COVID children are however being deprived of a normal education and a life-saving meal at school. The stories coming from Malawi are distressing. Families who were previously vulnerable to changes in food prices and scarcity of food are now dealing with the effects of COVID containment measures. Primary schools reopened in September on a trial basis, while nursery schools that survived being closed since March are now opening their doors.

Families with small children are struggling to put food on the table. In addition parents fear their children will not be accepted into primary school without previous enrolment at nursery school. Not being accepted would deprive their children of both an education and a hot meal at school for an entire academic year. Non-fee paying CBCCs (community nurseries), largely run by volunteers, are now experiencing a spike in enrolment. Children are going to school, many for the first time, without food. With no school meal served in school they go without food all day. Without help the impact of the pandemic on these children will be lifelong. 

The Seibo team in Malawi are using your donations to provide direct food assistance for the most vulnerable- families with small children. Our work depends on donations and we are eternally grateful to donors in Bulgaria, the UK and Japan for making what we do possible. But we're not finished. If you can help support these families and their children your donation no matter how small will make a big difference. Please donate HERE– thank you!

Meet Meffa- Mother with a Mission

Meffa is raising 7 children, 5 of which are her own and 2 of which are her sister's kids. Her husband is unable to work since he had a stroke and was left incapacitated. Most days the children only eat lunch. If they are lucky they eat twice a day. In November Seibo could help Meffa thanks to you.

           Meet Elena and little Akeera!
 To read Elena's full story click HERE
Monthly Milestones
Community Nurseries (CBCCs) re-opened in November.
Enrolment figures at CBCCs (largely volunteer run) has spiked as parents try to ensure a place for their child
Many private nurseries have closed their doors due to the pandemic placing additional pressure on families and Community Nurseries (CBCCs).
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Families in Need
Our mission is to provide every hungry child a hot meal at school.  We rely on our donors and corporate sponsors to fulfil this mission and without your help we could not have achieved any of this.

Ennet, mom of 5:
'“In times when we have money I used to make tea for my son so that he eats before going to school. Now with the food we have received, I am so happy that my child will be having a proper breakfast and it will help him grow healthy. Thank you so much Seibo I am grateful for this.”

The months ahead will be some of the most challenging Malawi has ever faced and we will need your support more than ever.  


Email : info@seibojapan.or.jp     
Room B Floor 4 Miyata Bldg 2-23-7 Kouraku
Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo Japan 112-0004
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