
Seminar for Local Staffs and Security Management

Seibo staff are providing meal support to approximately 17,000 children, caring for related guardians, and supporting communities in the northern region of Mzimba and the southern region of Blantyre. I’ll discuss the measures and training conducted for skill improvement and staff safety.

Purchase of Safety Gear for All Staff:
On December 7th, protective gear was purchased for all staff members. The attire includes rubber boots, industrial boots, work clothes, raincoats, motorcycle gloves, windbreakers, and motorcycle gear. These items complement the previously provided umbrellas and backpacks (carry bags) and were provided with individual safety in mind.

This especially ensures the safety of staff riding motorcycles, both as passengers and drivers. Additionally, carrying cell phones in bags improves the safety of belongings by preventing accidents such as dropping them while riding.

Staff Training on Child Protection:
From December 5th to 7th, all staff underwent a three-day training session in Blantyre. The training covered basics of computer applications like Microsoft Word and Excel, orientation on Microsoft Office 365 email, review of preventing sexual abuse, training on child protection, appropriate record-keeping methods, and ethical purchasing and accounting.

Particularly emphasized was the recommendation for all staff members who directly interact with children to undergo training on child protection. Victor facilitated this session, discussing the definition of child protection and methods to ensure no harm is done to children or vulnerable adults during program implementation.

Through these training sessions and measures, we expect to further expand support to many more children safely and ensure the safety of staff members!