Since 2025, we have been receiving updates from Mr. Kimura, who is currently in Malawi as part of his work with JICA. These updates are also shared through Seibo.
This time, the topic is Malawi’s rainy season and its local ingredients!
The Rainy Season in Malawi
In Malawi, the rainy season typically lasts from November to around March.
However, it’s not all rain all the time—there are sunny moments as well.
Unlike Japan’s rainy season, when rain clouds roll in, they bring intense rain lasting 1-2 hours, often followed by clear skies. The humidity is not particularly high either.
Locals reportedly use buckets or cloths as makeshift umbrellas.
Local Ingredients
In Malawi, you can find numerous small roadside stalls made of wood that resemble greengrocers.
There’s a wide variety of vegetables and fruits available, including familiar ones like tomatoes, okra, eggplants, and bananas.
One unique ingredient in Malawi is pumpkin leaves, which are sometimes sautéed with salt for consumption. These are prepared just like other leafy greens.
The biggest surprise, however, is how inexpensive mangoes are!
You can buy one for just 100 kwacha (less than 10 yen), so I’ve been eating plenty every day!