
Nanzan Women‘s High School - Lecuture to Create Own Visions for Social Business

On January 26, 2024, I had the privilege of teaching a class at Minamiyama High School for Girls. The theme of the class was to experience the planning of social business projects.

Here’s an overview of the class:

①Introduction of organizations
(Understanding the needs of the country through the story of school meal support in Malawi)

②Learning about the efforts of the Warm Hearts Coffee Club
(Understanding actual activities through case studies)

★Break: Reflecting on questions from the following three points:
1.What kind of country is Malawi?
2. What is the business model of coffee?
3.How can we get involved in such activities?

③Answering questions and organizing the interests of each team (Fostering teamwork)

④Thinking about what we can do
(Using a SWOT analysis to consider our interests, capabilities, and connecting them with needs to generate ideas)

⑤Presenting ideas by group and connecting them with the opinions of other groups to complete one activity
(Building a unique vision and mission)

We have completed the above activities and plan to start activities together with everyone from Minamiyama University from June 2024 onwards. We look forward to the development of future activities!