Kanto Gakuin High School, in collaboration with the NPO Seibo, launched a creative initiative to support school meal programs in Malawi. As part of this effort, students designed and crafted eraser stamps featuring the logo of the donation-based coffee brand “Warm Hearts Coffee Club” and illustrations related to Malawi.
This project was presented as a hands-on workshop at the SDGs Festa held on December 21. Participants had the opportunity to engage in the workshop and were encouraged to purchase coffee to support the cause. The initiative successfully generated donations equivalent to approximately 2,600 school meals for children in Malawi.
How to Make Eraser Stamps
Materials Needed:
-Eraser (a soft one is recommended)
-Stamp pad
-Design knife (or a box cutter)
-Cutting mat
-Permanent marker
Steps to Create Your Stamp:
Draw your design directly onto the eraser using a permanent marker.
Carve out the areas around the drawn lines using the design knife, leaving the design raised.
If you want the drawn lines to appear recessed, carve out the lines instead of the surrounding area.
Apply ink to the eraser using the stamp pad.
Your eraser stamp is now complete! Before using it on your project, try stamping on scrap paper to ensure your design looks as intended.
Through this initiative, Kanto Gakuin High School not only provided tangible support to address the issue of school meals in Malawi but also encouraged community engagement through creative activities.