
JALT Conference with Malawian Coffee!

On June 3rd and 4th, 2023, Seibo participated in the Japan Association for Language Teaching (JALT) event held at Kumamoto Castle Hall in Kumamoto City, Kumamoto Prefecture.

At this event, we had the opportunity to provide Malawian coffee and received donations equivalent to approximately 3,700 meals in Malawi’s school feeding program.

JALT is divided into various fields and organizes events and conferences nationwide. The conference held in Kumamoto in June 2023 was called JALT CALL, focusing mainly on how to incorporate IT tools and online tools into English language education. Many professors were researching methods to enhance students’ classroom experiences and related experiences such as using VR and other technologies. There were also presentations on research related to student autonomy.

One study that left an impression was the research on flipped classrooms, which involved students previewing the content before class and focusing on discussions and presentation creation during live sessions to deepen their understanding of the material.

Recently, Seibo has also been increasingly partnering with schools, mainly high schools, to give lectures and workshops on charity and social business. We believe that transitioning to flipped classrooms and active learning is crucial for students to achieve deeper learning and further develop their activities.

Please take a look at examples of our organization’s classroom practices on our website.

At this JALT event, we served coffee and had the opportunity to give a presentation about the current situation of children in Malawi, which served as the background for our charitable activities. In the future, we hope to share more examples of how we are incorporating these charity stories into school education during conferences.

To all the individuals associated with JALT, thank you for your support!
We look forward to continuing our collaboration.