
Interview by High School Students about the Importance of School Meal

Volunteer Tomoyoshi Mao from Seibo interviewed Future Namacha, who is involved in meal support in Malawi.

Once again, it’s content that helps you understand the importance of meal support!
Among them, there are two particularly important points that I would like to share with everyone!

Q. How does Japan appear from Malawi’s perspective?
Japanese people are very kind and keep in touch regularly!

Q. What are the difficulties of living in Malawi, and what would you like people to know about Malawi?
There is still a shortage of stoves for cooking meals and few wells to fetch water. There is a shortage of infrastructure and it’s difficult.

Impressions from Mao Tomoyoshi:
Today, I had a conversation with Future-san and I was delighted to hear that Japanese people are perceived as kind and attentive by Malawians! Also, we talked about anime plush toys displayed in the room, and despite living in different countries, we were able to enjoy the same conversation! Please look forward to the next meeting!

From now on, we will deliver content through “Malawi News” to help high school students feel closer to Malawi!

-About Future Namacha