
Coffee at Fukui University of Technology 2024

On May 25, 2024, at Fukui University of Technology, I participated in the PanSIG Conference organized by JALT (Japan Association for Language Teaching). At this event, Seibo provided coffee that supports school meals in Malawi, resulting in donations equivalent to approximately 3,244 meals’ worth of school feeding costs in Malawi.

The PanSIG Conference, organized by JALT’s Special Interest Groups, is an annual event where researchers from various fields of language education gather to present and exchange research. Seibo has been invited to many JALT events and has been providing coffee while engaging with professionals active both domestically and internationally. During these interactions, Seibo discussed its support for school meals in Malawi, highlighting how school feeding programs create educational opportunities for children.

Many attendees also showed interest in Seibo’s educational initiatives and its involvement with students, which provided motivation for future activities and facilitated new connections. Seibo extends heartfelt thanks to everyone involved with JALT for their generous support and looks forward to continued collaboration!