
Collaboration with Salesian Polytechnic

We sold coffee at Salesio Polytechnic (Salesio Kosen) from October 21 to 22.

The coffee sales have resulted in donations that will provide meals for about 7,000 children in Malawi.

In Malawi, there is the Don Bosco Technical College in the capital city of Lilongwe. The graduates from there are the members who helped establish the vocational training center in the area where we provide school meal support.

You can read more about the vocational training center Beehive here.

Seibo began in 2015 as an outreach project of the Mother Teresa Children Center, one of the ventures of this Beehive. It started with providing meals to kindergartens and nurseries in mountainous regions. Today, this vocational training center has become the Mary Queen of Peace Catholic Education Campus, offering education from kindergarten to IT technical schools, serving children who eat school meals in kindergarten and students who grow into adults and acquire skills.

We want to thank Don Bosco for sharing the spirit of Oratory, which began in Turin, Italy, teaching both vocation and prayer, in Malawi too!

You can find more about the technical school in Malawi here.

To all at Salesio Kosen, we greatly appreciate the opportunity for these connections in Japan. Thank you, and we look forward to your continued support!

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