
Activity Report for March 2024

Thanks to everyone’s support, in March 2024, we were able to continue providing meals to the CBCCs, kindergartens, and preschools in southern Blantyre, as well as primary schools in northern Mzimba.

Here are the main highlights!

Kaphuta Primary School

At Kaphuta Primary School, 92% of students successfully passed their graduation exams. The students say, “Knowing that meals will be provided helps us attend classes positively and study hard.”

Volunteer cooking staff comment, “We volunteer here to provide meals for the children; this is for our children.”

Kazengo Primary School

Children from poor families who have difficulty getting enough food receive nutrition from the school’s porridge program, making them enjoy their time at school.

Volunteers arrive early at the school to prepare meals for the children. They are delighted to contribute to Seibo’s meal support program.

Kazomba Primary School

The deputy headteacher of Kazomba Primary School, Petros Simbale, says, “Thanks to the porridge we receive from Seibo every month, the students are more engaged in their lessons. They are lively and actively participate in class activities.”

The photo on the left shows children from Kazomba Primary School participating in group discussions.

Chamngulube Primary School
The SHN (School Health and Nutrition) teacher at Chamngulube Primary School says, “I take pride in managing the provision of meals to children according to the plan. I always ensure that students receive appropriate meals to avoid feeling hungry.”

In the photo below, children are lining up for meals.

SHN (School Health & Nutrition) is an organization that considers the nutritional management and health of children in schools. SHN teachers manage hygiene and monitor the children’s nutritional status.

Mzimba LEA
At Mzimba LEA, the meal program ensures quality by following hygiene regulations. The floor is kept clean, and the porridge pots are covered properly. Additionally, the windows are placed close by for adequate ventilation.

Kabuku Primary School
Students at Kabuku Primary School walk long distances to attend school, but they look forward to the meals at the end of the day and attend classes without stress. They enjoy their lessons with high concentration.

Machelecheta Primary School

When the students of Machelecheta Primary School see Seibo staff who bring them meals, they get excited and ask to take more photos.

A volunteer from Machelecheta says, “As long as it has the best impact on the children’s education, I’ll help prepare meals.”

Davy Primary School
The students at Davy Primary School also eagerly look forward to the porridge provided by Seibo every day.

St. Paul’s Primary School
“The students express joy in Seibo’s meal program, saying, ‘Most of the time, we can’t eat rice at home, but when we come to school, we can eat meals and study.'”

Matewu Primary School
Seibo delivered 360 kg of Likuni phala (meal ingredients) to Matewu Primary School.

Kanyerere Primary School
“The meal program is a great motivation for studying,” say the students at Kanyerere Primary School, expressing gratitude for Seibo’s meals.

Seibo provided the following items to Kaphuta Primary School, Kazengo Primary School, Chamngulube Primary School, and Mzimba LEA:

3 boxes of soap (for handwashing and hygiene management)
Hardcovered A4 notebooks (for keeping records of visitors)
Lever-arch files (for storing Seibo-related materials)