Seibo continued to provide meals to nursery schools, kindergartens, and CBCCs in the southern region in March as well. Each school is able to consistently accept children thanks to the Seibo meal program, and they are overcoming challenges in their respective areas while continuing their activities.
We would like to share some of these examples this time. We are very grateful for your support!
About Portrait Rights
On March 1, 2024, Mlambe CBCC signed a consent form. The use of photos in this report and for Seibo’s public relations activities is conducted with local consent for other CBCCs as well.
Marie signing the consent form
Dyechiti CBCC:
Delivery of meals (Likuni Phala) and data verification (confirming the planned amount matches the actual amount transported)
An undernourished baby eating porridge at Tsamilani CBCC
Katondo CBCC:
The children are very creative and actively participate in class, but there is a shortage of teaching materials at this school. The photo on the right shows children at Katondo CBCC happily eating their school meals.
A member of Tawina CBCC preparing school meals alone
Children at Chiutsandeu CBCC participating in class while waiting for meals to be served
Children at Chibanzi CBCC eating porridge during a break. Teachers help the younger children eat their meals.
Reflection on Activities
On March 26, a meeting was held with representatives from 12 nursery schools, the district education supervisory board, secretariat, nutrition management committee, child protection agency, Mzimba Hospital, and the forestry department. The meeting reviewed the progress and areas for improvement in the meal support program and discussed ways to enhance the program’s quality.
After the meeting, the team celebrated the 8th anniversary of Seibo’s meal support program.
Thank you for your support of Seibo’s activities in March 2024.