
Lecture of Comparetive Education in Sophia University

Seibo had a lesson on Comparative Education at the Sophia Program for Sustainable Futures (SPSF) at the Faculty of Human Sciences, Department of Education, Sophia University. In Japan, it is more challenging to integrate teaching about charity in school education compared to other countries, which can lead to disparities in education opportunities between international schools and other schools.

Currently, the NPO organization Seibo is promoting learning that creates good business for stakeholders involved in services through partnerships with private schools, as a form of external collaboration.

I discussed how we can leverage the knowledge of university students and the quick adaptability and enthusiasm of high school students to support Malawi and promote the connection between high schools and universities.

Following this class, the associate professor in charge of the SPSF participated in classes at Kosei Gakuen Girls’ Junior and Senior High School in Tokyo, conducting case studies and evaluations of inquiry-based learning.

Through these connections, I hope we can create more opportunities for high school-university partnerships and facilitate the growth of educational studies through international comparisons. I would be happy to have more people involved in these initiatives in the future!